So, for Christmas we had wanted to get Hannah a toy kitchen. Went to Toys R Us...nothing under $100. You gotta be kidding me. We did other things instead, and she had a great Christmas. Then, tonight we hit Goodwill on the way home from our date, and what did we find? A kitchen. For $6. Seriously. Now, I have no idea if she'll actually play with it all that much, but for $6 I'll find out.
In addition, we got a two-door filing cabinet for $5, with which I will organize the never-ending pile of papers that always somehow ends up on my kitchen counter.
And, I put an ad in the local American Classifieds for the washer and dryer we don't need since our rental has them included, and the desk we don't have space for. Nifty, huh? Anybody need a washer and dryer? They don't match, but they work! :)
Elana’s Passing
1 day ago
Hadn't thought of that. I'll have to check it out. What's the deal with that site, anyway?