So, I've been working with Accuchef for a couple of weeks now, and I have to say, it really has made a difference. I can find recipes faster, it's easier to put together a creative menu with a shopping list, and if I find a recipe I want to try - it's a breeze to add it!
People often ask me how I learned to cook this way. The answer is trial and error! I have made many many things that did not taste good, but practice pays off. I have been cooking several meals a week since 2000, so I've had some time to experiment. So, with that said, here's a CSV file of my recipes. If you download Accuchef, you can also download this file and import it. Then, you should be able to view all the recipes easily. I could also make a PDF of them, if anyone is interested, but I didn't want to think that hard. Let me know if you want me to though, and I will. Some of the recipes in this file are favorites and some I haven't actually tried, but they all (with minor changes) represent the way we eat around here.
Please let me know if this is helpful to you, and feel free to share some of your favorites too - I can always use new inspiration!
We Are Home!
1 week ago
this is such a blessing to me!! As you know I have been attempting to eat in a gluten free and yeast free since last November. I love that it forces me to be organized when I shop and make menus but to be honest the act of intially becoming organized is so overwhelming that I often just give up. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge with us!!
ReplyDeleteyour link doesn't work
ReplyDeleteSorry! It's fixed now. :)
ReplyDeleteYou have such an awesome variety even with all those restrictions. You must of been working at this for a while huh? :)
ReplyDeleteCJ - So glad it's helpful to you! You should email me an update on your life when you get a chance, it's been a while. :)
ReplyDeleteIrene - Variety is something we do have to work for. Actually, variety is even healthier for you. You body is much more likely to develop sensitivities to things you eat very regularly, especially foods that tend to be allergenic anyway. Rotating your diet, and/or eating foods in season helps keep that from happening.